
Stop making docs!

SrpingBoarMedia es el blog personal de Brian Newman, consultor especializado en el desarrollo y financiación de películas y proyectos audiovisuales. Ayer publicó un breve post que os copio a continuación:

"Yo, you. Shut up, listen. I don’t want your (feature) doc anymore. I know, you are offended. So what? Make me a really interesting website, that happens to have maybe 20 minutes total of video. In 3 minute segments. Let me trade it, use it, share it, on my phone. Let it actually have an impact instead of just stroking your and your funder’s egos. Let it be interesting and aware of today’s realities. Let it be useful. Let it never play a film festival. Ever. Do this, and I will love you. And so will everyone else. I’m not saying everyone should do this, but you should. Yes, you. Thanks."

Aish!! Cuánta razón tiene!! Y para cumplimentar su post, estoy por hacer un artículo similar que haga referencia a los "Power points" y que se titularía: "Muerte a los Power Points!!"

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